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Alternate to PVP


  • Costs credits
  • No wins added for hunting kills

Hunting vs. PVP


Hunting is one of the two ways in Legacy to level up. The other way is Player vs. Player (PVP), which is quite different in many ways:

  • Hunting costs credits. PVP is free.
  • In addition to experience points, hunting certain NPCs can net you drops (such as a Flamethrower); however, you cannot earn reputation from hunting like you do in PvP.
  • Hunting NPCs (non-playable characters, used to describe the enemies you hunt) can last forever as there is no end to the amount of NPCs (though special characters may only be hunted once per week), while attacking players is temporary. You can only attack a specific player once per day, and once you have killed a player, they don't come back as NPCs do.

In addition, there are two different types of hunting; NPC hunting and Special Character hunting.

Hunting History

Hunting was first created by Zorg in order for lower-leveled players with saved up money to be able to make use of the money. Awhile back, hunting was used heavily along with Double EXP to take advantage of the Double EXP weekend. This way, not only could players net a sometimes jaw-dropping amount of EXP with saved Credits, they could also snag a few drops if they were lucky (The chance of a NPC drop is very low). However, recently, Zorg has decided that the players saving tons of Credits up and then leveling way ahead of PVP-ers was not the way the game was supposed to be. So he removed Double EXP and changed Hunting to give only 80% EXP what PVP would give, and increased the daily revives from 2 to 4 in order to increase PVP traffic. A few weeks after the EXP levels were dropped to 80% they were returned to 100% again, and the cost of hunting was dropped by 5c at every level. This means that hunting Sewer Rats is now free. Today, hunting is still widely used for leveling up, although not as much as before.

Hunting Points

Each time you hunt an NPC/Special Character within 5 levels of you, you get Hunting Points. Hunting points add up weekly and if you are in the top 10 Hunting Points for that week, then you get a badge on your profile for that week and a permanent banner in your profiles honors. Hunting points are listed in with the hunting NPC's below.

Badge: Huntingbadge.png

Banner: Hunt banner.png

Hunting NPCs

There currently are 11 possible types of NPCs to hunt; mostly in level increments of 5. All of the NPCs can also drop health items such as: Antibiotics, Small Medicine, Large Medicine, First Aid Kits and Revive Kits. For more information about hunting drops, see the hunting drops page. Every NPC in the same group have the same drop rate.

Note: Hunting drops chance decrease 10x if you are 10 levels or higher than the NPC you are hunting; this DOES NOT apply to Special Characters.

Note: The Hunting Boost can be bought from the Boon Ship in Sector 2 for 25 Boons. This will reduce the cost of hunting by 20% for 24 hours while the boost is active.

Sewer Rats

Sewer Rats
Sewer Rats
Level 1-2

One of the lowest forms of life in the hive, but vast in numbers. The rats create a problem for those in the slums.


Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
0c 0c 1 2

Drug Dealers

Drug Dealers
Drug Dealers
Level 3-5

Drug dealers of the slums. Commonly found in Sector 3.

Cookie Antibiotics

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
3c 2c 2 3

Slum Thugs

Slum Thugs
Slum Thugs
Level 6-10

Some would say they are lower than the rats. These thugs are a common sight in sector 3, wandering aimlessly and stealing.

Antibiotics Small Medicine Knuckle Duster

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
5c 4c 3 4

Residential Guards

Residential Guards
Residential Guards
Level 11-15

Civilian recruited guards of Sector 2, their main job is to fend off the poor people in the slums and maintain peace.

Revival Kit Antibiotics Small Medicine Shuriken Arm Blade

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
8c 6c 4 6

Hive Police

Hive Police
Hive Police
Level 16-20

The hive police force is known for its corruptness, some say they are no better than the criminals they claim to fight.

Revival Kit Large Medicine Grenades

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
10c 8c 5 7

Hive Riot Police

Hive Riot Police
Hive Riot Police
Level 21-25

The hive police force is known for its corruptness, some say they are no better than the criminals they claim to fight.

Revival Kit Large Medicine Police Shield Crossbow

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
13c 11c 6 8

X-Corp Guards

X-Corp Guards
X-Corp Guards
Level 26-30

Armed guards of the infamous X-Corp, more powerful than the police and the main power behind all government.

Revival Kit Large Medicine Power Cell Flame Thrower Rapier

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
15c 12c 7 10

Senate Guards

Senate Guards
Senate Guards
Level 31-35

Guards of the halls of the senate, most are on the X-Corp payroll. They take no prisoners and tolerate no annoyance.

Revival Kit Small First Aid Kit Shell Blade Boomerang Spear Gun

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
18c 15c 8 11

X-Corp Bounty Hunters

X-Corp Bounty Hunters
X-Corp Bounty Hunters
Level 36-40

Notorious amongst assassins, the X-Corp Bounty Hunters are professional and merciless.

Revival Kit Small First Aid Kit Sniper Rifle

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
20c 17c 9 12

Chamber Guards

Chamber Guards
Chamber Guards
Level 41-45

Guards of the secret chambers in the great halls of the syndicate. They answer to no senate or corporation.

Revival Kit Small First Aid Kit Power Cell Target Headset Throwing Axe 3 Section Staff

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
23c 19c 10 13

Hive Lord Bodyguards

Hive Lord Guards
Hive Lord Guards
Level 46-50

Most loyal of the chamber guards and defenders of the Hive Lord's throne room at the very peak of the hive.

Revival Kit Small First Aid Kit Power Cell Polearm Submachine Gun

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
25c 21c 11 15

X-Corp Droids

X-Corp Droids
X-Corp Droids
Level 76-80

Deployed by X-Corp to hunt down their former Test Subjects, these ruthless machines must be steered clear of.

Null Crystal Fragment Power Cell Large Power Cell Iron Ore Wires Operation Code A
Generic Blueprint Laser Sight GPS Device Flame Turret Defense Pauldrons

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
40c 34c 17 23

Crystal Entities

Crystal Entities'
Crystal Entities'
Level 78-80

These entities exist in the same dimension as the Avatars, the crystals they are formed from hold great power. Crystal Entities can only be hunted by Avatars.

Power Cell Abstruse Crystal


Green Crystal Fragment Pink Crystal Fragment Fire Crystal Fragment Water Crystal Fragment Air Crystal Fragment
Null Crystal Fragment Yellow Crystal Fragment Void Crystal Fragment Orange Crystal Fragment


Green Crystal Shard Pink Crystal Shard Fire Crystal Shard Water Crystal Shard Air Crystal Shard
Null Crystal Shard Yellow Crystal Shard Void Crystal Shard Orange Crystal Shard

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
40c 34c 17 23

X-Corp Markswomen

X-Corp Markswomen
X-Corp Markswomen
Level 88-90

Special mercenaries-for-hire that are under the employ of X-Corp to find and terminate the escaped test subjects.

Revival Kit Avatar Blood Brotherhood Serum Wires Throwing Blades Operation Code A Operation Code B Operation Code C
Generic Blueprint Rare Blueprint Laser Sight Targeting Module Aeon Amulet

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
45c 38c 19 25

"Brotherhood of Blood" Quest

The first Legacy quest ever. Completing this gives a player high-level hunting options, such as Cerb, X-1025, Tyran, and Ventrix, as well as the 50+ hunting groups. To begin the quest, the 10,000c Chronicle of Blood must be purchased from Joe's Merchandise in Sector 3. The following NPCs can only be attainable through the Brotherhood of Blood quest:

Guard Dogs

Guard Dogs
Guard Dogs
Level 51-55

Patrolling the sanctuary these Guard Dogs have been injected with the Avatar Lords blood. Increasing their strength.

Revival Kit Avatar Blood Power Cell Iron Ore Wires GPS Device

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
28c 23c 12 16

Brotherhood Cultists

Brotherhood Cultists
Brotherhood Cultists
Level 56-60

Devoted followers of the Avatar Lord many of these Cultists have developed lesser Avatar abilities.

Revival Kit Avatar Blood Modded Pistol Grenade Launcher

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
30c 25c 13 17

Blood Crazed

Blood Crazed
Blood Crazed
Level 61-65

These cultists got addicted to drinking Avatar blood, and became mentally unstable.

Revival Kit Avatar Blood Blood Pack Javelin

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
33c 28c 14 19


Level 66-70

These robotic goliaths roam the halls of the Sanctuary, reaching 7 feet in height they far out power most humans.

Revival Kit Avatar Blood Power Cell Iron Ore Wires Wrist Flamer

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
35c 29c 15 20

Sanctuary Guards

Sanctuary Guards
Sanctuary Guards
Level 71-75

These stealth guards not only operate within the Sanctuary but all around the hive, hiding in the shadows.

Revival Kit Avatar Blood Power Cell Special Blueprint 1 Throwing Star

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
38c 32c 16 21

Brotherhood Avatars

Brotherhood Avatars
Brotherhood Avatars
Level 76-80

Some members of the brotherhood have now become Avatars themselves, although lesser in power than Tyran.

Revival Kit Avatar Blood Brotherhood Serum Special Blueprint 2 Dual Sword

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
40c 34c 17 23

"Shadow Hunter" Quest

The second Legacy quest. Completing this gives a player high-level hunting options, Hive Gatekeepers. It also opens higher tiered weaponry in the Off Plane. To begin the quest, the 12,500c Journal of a Shadow Hunter must be purchased from Joe's Merchandise in Sector 3. The following NPC can only be attainable through the Shadow Hunter quest:

Hive Gatekeepers

Hive Gatekeeper
Hive Gatekeeper
Level 96-100

Trained to guard the highest importance areas of the hive. Not much gets past them.

Avatar Blood Brotherhood Serum Small Golden Nugget Medium Golden Nugget Large Golden Nugget Fire Crystal Fragment Small Fire Crystal Abyss Crystal
Special Blueprint 3 Special Blueprint 5 Special Blueprint 6 Void Axe Core Staff Core Shield

Hunting Cost Discounted Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
48c 42c 33 37

Hunting Special Characters

In addition to hunting groups, you can also hunt special characters, commonly referred to as SNPCs. You can only hunt these characters once every 7 days, and if you do not kill them in the fight, they immediately heal back to full health (so you cannot wear them down). Special characters are specific for everyone, meaning that even though your friend defeated one 5 minutes ago, you can still fight that character. Drop percentages have been decreased accordingly since more of the Special Characters will be defeated everyday. Note: The drops listed are not necessarily all the drops possible. They will also commonly drop health items like Revives Kits, Large Medicines, First Aid Kits, etc. just like normal NPCs.

Note: All special NPCs from level 50 - 80 (Seraph, Cerb, Guardian: X-1025, and Tyran; excluding Shadow Hunter SPNCs) have a chance to drop a Chaos Armor; this chance increases as the level of the NPC increases. Therefore, Seraph has the lowest chance of dropping a Chaos Armor, while Tyran has the highest chance.

Note: The ability Fast Recovery reduces the wait to hunt special NPCs by 24 hours. This brings the wait down to 6 days, rather than the usual 7. The Hunting Boost, found in the Boosts section of the Platinum Store, reduces the wait to hunt Special NPCs by 24 hours. This, combined with the Fast Recovery ability, allows you to hunt Special NPCs every 5 days.

Note: The Hunting Pass can be bought from the Boon Ship in Sector 2 (for 60 boons) resets the special npc timer allowing you to hunt right away.

Assassin: Lisha

Level 10

Wandering the Sectors this ruthless assassin will kill anyone, if the price is right. Often employed by X-Corp to take care of lesser opposition, she has worked up quite a reputation amongst other assassins.

Revival Kit Antibiotics Small Medicine Large Medicine Small First Aid Kit Throwing Knives Dagger

Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
50 65

Mob Boss: Big Al

Big Al
Big Al
Level 20

Working behind the scenes with X-Corp the Police and any other corrupt organizations he can get in contact with. Big Al is responsible for most of the large scale crime with in the Hive.

Revival Kit Antibiotics Small Medicine Large Medicine Small First Aid Kit Revolver Tommy Gun

Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
100 130

Police Chief: Zaphar

Level 30

Running what is left of the police force in the hive, the Chief of Police takes more of a 'hands on' approach at fighting crime. Often found wandering Sector 3 hunting criminals, he is thought to be losing his sanity.

Revival Kit Antibiotics Small Medicine Large Medicine Small First Aid Kit Taser M16 Swat Shield

Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
150 195

X-Corp Founder: Sythe

Level 40

The founder of the notorious X-Corp company that runs most of the legal and illegal business with in the hive. Rumour has it that in his early scientist days Sythe conducted strength and intelligence increasing experiments on himself.

Revival Kit Antibiotics Small Medicine Large Medicine Small First Aid Kit Minigun Heavy Flame Thrower

Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
200 260

Hive Lord: Seraph

Level 50

His origins are unknown, but the building of the hive was of his design. None have ever been powerful enough to challenge his rule, and even X-Corp bow to his power. Having lived over 200 years he still shows no signs of age.

Artifact Ring Artifact Dagger Deathbringer Chaos Armor

Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
250 325

Gatekeeper: Cerb

Level 60

A dedicated disciple of Tyran, after years of drinking his masters blood he developed the unusual characteristic of ethereal wings. This lesser avatar is now the gatekeeper to the Brotherhoods Sanctuary below the hive.

Revival Kit Antibiotics Small Medicine Large Medicine Small First Aid Kit Mace Razor Bow Chaos Armor

Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
300 390

Guardian : X-1025

Level 70

This 8 foot high 6 legged robot was built as the guardian for the Brotherhood of Blood's sanctuary. It has been upgraded slowly over time and has a huge array of weapons.

Large Medicine Small First Aid Kit Power Cell Defense Bot Barrage Launcher Radiation Cannon Beam Sword Chaos Armor

Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
350 455

Avatar Lord: Tyran

Level 80

The first human to become an Avatar and leader of the Brotherhood of Blood. He has been alive for over 700 years exploring the stars and dimensions of this universe and as such has gained great power.

Crystal Ring Chain Blade Scythe Chaos Armor Heavy Railguns

Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
400 520

Observer: Ventrix

Level 85

Few have met the Observer and lived to tell the tale. He is known to traverse the timeless void. But nobody knows where he came from or what he wants.

Rift Gun Void Sword Prime Amulet Inferno Amulet Crystal Maul


All basic Crystals, ranging from Small to Large

Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
425 553

Test Subject 0: Aida

Level 85

Not much is known about her origins except that she was first seen escaping the scene of an explosion at an X-Corp facility with a masked male individual. She has recently been discovered attacking X-Corp personnel and facilities, causing large amounts of fatalities and collateral damage.

Focus Refill Special Blueprint 3 Special Blueprint 4 Special Blueprint 5 Special Blueprint 6
Giant Void Crystal Scout Drones Void Bow Rapid Lasers Crystal Maul Head

Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
425 553

Test Subject 1: Aiden

Level 90

Not much is known about Aiden except that he may be the one spotted alongside Aida during her attacks on X-Corp facilities. There have been conflicting reports about the extent of his strange abilities but one thing is for certain - he is dangerous. To find Aiden, go to the quests page.

Strange Journal Godlike Blueprint Projector Bots Q15 Havoc Launcher Prototype Armor Crystal Maul Shaft

Hunting Points Trained Hunting Points
485 631