From Legacy Wiki
The Overseer is selected by their fellow Black Hand as their spokesperson. They are the leading member of Black Hand and of the gang. They are tasked with assigning ranks 17-12.
Current Overseer
Overseers of the past
albert2z | AllLitUp20 eddo | faelust | Jobu | KahLan |
Black Hand
The BlackHand is a council chosen by Cain to lead Dark Flame
Current Black Hand
faelust SGame blenok DarkFlame
Black Hand of The Past
Spy Master
The Spy Master takes care of intergang relations and communications.
Current Spy Master
Spy Masters of the past
agathos23 | faelust | GreenArrow |
HappyDays | Leoril | Shak |
Shysta | Slaughter | Spartio |
Sumwish | -- | -- |
The Executioner is the enforcer of Dark Flame laws.
Current Executioner
Executioners of the past
a2z | Aldo | chrisfccio | fishman001 |
Hellbound | hincha | Jonkers | Mjjones |
Nemesis | Pulse | SnowFlake | Sumwish |
Wolf | --- | --- | --- |
War Lord
The War Lord is tasked with organizing Dark Flame members to fight as one in the wasteland.
Current War Lord
War Lords of the past
Tax Collector
The Tax Collector is charged with managing the warfund, handling loans, tracking debt and raising funds.
Current Tax Collector
Tax Collectors of the past
Slave Master
The Slave Master is charged with recruiting and maintaining a team of Slavers to train and instruct New members of Dark Flame.
Current Slave Master
Slave Masters of the past
The Slavers are selected by the Slave master and carry out the training and initial favoring of anyone that joins Dark Flame