From Legacy Wiki
The BlackHand is a council chosen by Cain to lead Dark Flame
Current Black Hand
faelust SGame blenok DarkFlame
Black Hand of The Past
Spy Master
The Spy Master takes care of intergang relations and communications.
Current Spy Master
Spy Masters of the past
agathos23 | faelust | GreenArrow |
Leoril | Shak | Shysta |
Slaughter | Spartio | Sumwish |
The Executioner is the enforcer of Dark Flame laws.
Current Executioner
Executioners of the past
a2z | Aldo | chrisfccio | fishman001 |
Hellbound | hincha | Jonkers | Mjjones |
Nemesis | Pulse | SnowFlake | Sumwish |
Wolf | --- | --- | --- |
War Lord
The War Lord is tasked with organizing Dark Flame members to fight as one in the wasteland.
Current War Lord
War Lords of the past
a2z | CodeHydro | Crater | Flagg | Food |
Fudge | Gilomore | Gryll | HappyDays | Jaxel |
jimjones | Loki | Mainframe | Parka | ProtoType |
RottenJr | Rotten | Shysta | Smokey11 | sumwish |
Tibos | TGame | Viper | Zombie | --- |
Tax Collector
The Tax Collector is charged with managing the warfund, handling loans, tracking debt and raising funds.
Current Tax Collector
Tax Collectors of the past
Rank Changes
In order from most recently, to least recently; bigchaos assigned to Slave Master. BigChaos was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. DarkFlame was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Will was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Nastasha was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Jonkers was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Pody was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. MGame was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. DarkFlame was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. was appointed as Warlord by the Black Hand. DarkFlame was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Bu156 was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. was appointed as Tax Collector by the Black Hand. was appointed as Warlord by the Black Hand. Loki was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Marethyu was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. DarkFlame was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. faelust was appointed as Spymaster by the Black Hand. Spartio was appointed as Spymaster by the Black Hand. Athena was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Fudge was appointed as Warlord by the Black Hand. GreenArrow was appointed as Spymaster by the Black Hand. Sebastiao was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Slaughter was appointed as Spymaster by the Black Hand. Shysta was appointed as Spymaster by the Black Hand. DarkFlame was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. agathos23 was appointed as Spymaster by the Black Hand. Amnesya was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Buh156 was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Leoril was appointed as Spymaster by the Black Hand. Scyper was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. DMaster was appointed as Warlord by the Black Hand. Sumwish was appointed as Spymaster by the Black Hand. Bebedoll was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. was appointed as Tax Collector by the Black Hand. Guilt was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Gilomore SlaveMaster Gryll| was appointed as Warlord by the Black Hand. Sumwish was appointed as Spymaster by the Black Hand. Smokey11 was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Shak was appointed as Spymaster by the Black Hand. RottenJr was appointed as Warlord by the Black Hand. Rotten was appointed as Warlord by the Black Hand. was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Maurice was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Tibos was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Bernard721 was appointed to Slave Master by the Black Hand. Jobu was voted Overseer by the Black Hand. albert2z was voted Overseer by the Black Hand. HappyDays was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Loki was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Jobu was voted Overseer by the Black Hand. yuyu9 was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. chipmonkey was appointed as Black Hand by the Cain. Duncan2688 was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand. Cameron09 was appointed as Slaver by chipmonkey. Tgame, Dmaster were newly appointed Slavers for May. Yuyu9, Aldo, and deadartist were returning Slavers. eddo was voted Overseer by the Black Hand. Silvia was appointed slaver to replace deadartist. hella, yatez, and albert2z were newly appointed Slavers for January. Aldo and deadartist were returning slavers. jesse, deadartist, G4Lyfe and Aldo were appointed as Slavers by chipmonkey for the month of december. hella was appointed as Slaver by chipmonkey. chipmoney. was appointed as Slaver by chipmonkey. chipmonkey was appointed as Slave Master by the Black Hand |