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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
13:27, 24 July 2019 Aberrant paint.png (file) 4 KB Delta   1
13:24, 24 July 2019 Big amuletcrystal.png (file) 6 KB Delta   2
13:24, 24 July 2019 Big chainblade t2.png (file) 6 KB Delta   1
13:23, 24 July 2019 Big crystalsword t2.png (file) 16 KB Delta   1
13:22, 24 July 2019 Big railgun t2.png (file) 8 KB Delta   1
13:20, 24 July 2019 Big crystalbombs t2.png (file) 19 KB Delta   2
13:18, 24 July 2019 Big hellforgedarmor.png (file) 25 KB Delta   1
13:18, 24 July 2019 Big sg1armor.png (file) 21 KB Delta   1
02:54, 9 July 2019 Gambit.jpg (file) 122 KB Gambit   2
03:02, 1 July 2019 SH2map.png (file) 99 KB UnicornBob   1
10:39, 14 May 2019 Number14.png (file) 280 B Aaron   1
10:39, 14 May 2019 Party hat14.png (file) 5 KB Aaron   1
10:38, 14 May 2019 Gift box14.png (file) 4 KB Aaron   1
10:38, 14 May 2019 Big giftbox14.png (file) 9 KB Aaron   1
10:37, 14 May 2019 GiftBox14.PNG (file) 17 KB Aaron   1
15:24, 5 May 2019 Capture.png (file) 220 KB Picard   2
16:51, 9 April 2019 Josh.png (file) 10 KB Delta Josh's new(est) character model 1
12:18, 8 April 2019 Mine drone.gif (file) 3 KB Aaron   1
12:18, 8 April 2019 Scav drone.gif (file) 3 KB Aaron   1
11:45, 8 April 2019 Drone.png (file) 746 B Aaron Currently a placeholder for all drone weapons, to be replaced later once GFX create more 1
13:59, 6 April 2019 Aaron2018.png (file) 10 KB Aaron   1
13:33, 6 April 2019 AaronCustom1.png (file) 11 KB Aaron   1
00:35, 4 April 2019 Hydra.jpeg (file) 71 KB Hydra   1
04:40, 2 April 2019 Reliabilitytree.png (file) 13 KB Delta White text 2
04:40, 2 April 2019 Efficiencytree.png (file) 12 KB Delta White text 2
04:39, 2 April 2019 Durabilitytree.png (file) 12 KB Delta White text 2
23:06, 1 April 2019 Automationskill.png (file) 4 KB Delta   1
22:14, 1 April 2019 Trackingskill.png (file) 4 KB Delta Tracking (Active) Once per day, perform a run that takes 50% longer to get a guaranteed item of your choice in addition to any other loot found. Unlocks more item choices per level. Level 1: Can track Iron Ore, Manganese Ore, Stone, Flint, Charcoal, Sp... 1
22:13, 1 April 2019 Targetingskill.png (file) 4 KB Delta Targeting (Active) Can target an item on a job to increase its drop share by (20% * skill level). Available items: Iron Ore, Copper Ore, Manganese Ore, Silver Ore, Gold Ore, Stone, Flint, Charcoal, Lead, Fiberglas, Fabric, Nightshade, Hemlock, Artifici... 1
22:13, 1 April 2019 Secondaryweaponslotskill.png (file) 3 KB Delta Secondary Weapon Slot (Passive) Unlocks a weapon slot on your drone. Equipping a weapon in this slot can increase your drone’s Min/Max Damage and Speed stats. Only works alongside the combat skill. Points per level: 1 Prerequisites: Primary Weapon S... 1
22:10, 1 April 2019 Secondaryskillslotskill.png (file) 4 KB Delta Secondary Skill Slot (Passive) Unlocks a second skill slot, allowing you to select another active skill to use on a run. Points per level: 1 Prerequisites: Reliability 1 1
22:09, 1 April 2019 Resourcefulnessskill.png (file) 5 KB Delta Resourcefulness (Passive) Allows you to use a wider range of materials to repair your drone with. Also increases the efficiency of all repair items by 20%. Materials unlocked: Charcoal, Flint, Lead, Stone. Points per level: 3 Prerequisites: Efficiency 3 1
22:09, 1 April 2019 Reliabilityskill.png (file) 5 KB Delta Reliability (Passive) Increases Reliability stat by 5% per skill level Level 1: +5% Reliability Level 2: +10% Reliability Level 3: +15% Reliability Level 4: +20% Reliability Level 5: +25% Reliability Points per level: 1 Prerequisites: None 1
22:08, 1 April 2019 Qualitycontrolskill.png (file) 4 KB Delta Quality Control (Active) Lowers the drop share of an unwanted item of your choice by (10% * skill level), and in turn buffing the rest of the drop shares. Available items: Iron Ore, Copper Ore, Manganese Ore, Silver Ore, Gold Ore, Stone, Flint, Charcoa... 1
22:06, 1 April 2019 Primaryweaponslotskill.png (file) 3 KB Delta Primary Weapon Slot (Passive) Unlocks a weapon slot on your drone. Equipping a weapon in this slot can increase your drone’s Min/Max Damage and Speed stats. Only works alongside the combat skill. Points per level: 1 Prerequisites: Combat 1 1
22:06, 1 April 2019 Overdriveskill.png (file) 5 KB Delta Overdrive (Active) Once per day, your drone can perform an overcharged run that is (25% * skill level) faster than a regular run. Level 1: +25% faster run Level 2: +50% faster run Level 3: +75% faster run Points per level: 1 Prerequisites: Efficiency 3 1
22:05, 1 April 2019 Opportunistskill.png (file) 4 KB Delta Opportunist (Passive) Upon a successful Evasion, you will gain an additional guaranteed item. Points per level: 3 Prerequisites: Evasion 1 1
22:05, 1 April 2019 Nanobotrepairsskill.png (file) 4 KB Delta Nanobot Repairs (Passive) Your drone gains the ability to repair itself using nanobots, reducing its repair time for every point in this skill. Level 1: 50% faster repair time Level 2: 85% faster repair time Level 3: 99% faster repair time Points per... 1
22:01, 1 April 2019 Lightforcefieldskill.png (file) 4 KB Delta Light Force Field (Passive) Your drone can use a forcefield that only lasts a certain amount of time. For jobs (2 * skill level) hours or less, your drone cannot fail a run due to damages. Disabled in Combat. Level 1: Shielded under 2 hours Level 2: Sh... 1
22:01, 1 April 2019 Heavyforcefieldskill.png (file) 5 KB Delta Heavy Forcefield (Active) Once per day, your drone can activate a heavy forcefield on a run. While active, the forcefield will prevent your drone from failing a run due to damages. Points per level: 3 Prerequisites: Fortification 3 1
22:00, 1 April 2019 Fueltankexpansionskill.png (file) 3 KB Delta Fuel Tank Expansion (Passive) Allows you to use the Overdrive skill twice per day. Points per level: 4 Prerequisites: Overdrive 3 1
21:59, 1 April 2019 Fortificationskill.png (file) 4 KB Delta Fortification (Passive) Damage taken during a successful run is reduced by 10% per skill level. Your drone will still be completely damaged on a failed run. Level 1: -10% Damage Taken Level 2: -20% Damage Taken Level 3: -30% Damage Taken Level 4: -40%... 1
21:58, 1 April 2019 Evasionskill.png (file) 3 KB Delta Evasion (Passive) Rolls (Reliability * 2) to evade danger. Proceeds with the run if the roll succeeds rather than failing and having your drone completely damaged. Points per level: 3 Prerequisites: Quality Control 1 1
21:57, 1 April 2019 Efficiencyskill.png (file) 4 KB Delta Efficiency (Passive) Increases Efficiency stat by 5% per skill level Level 1: +5% Efficiency Level 2: +10% Efficiency Level 3: +15% Efficiency Level 4: +20% Efficiency Level 5: +25% Efficiency Points per level: 1 Prerequisites: None 1
21:56, 1 April 2019 Durabilityskill.png (file) 4 KB Delta Durability (Passive) Increases Durability stat by 5% per skill level Level 1: +5% Durability Level 2: +10% Durability Level 3: +15% Durability Level 4: +20% Durability Level 5: +25% Durability Points per level: 1 Prerequisites: None 1
21:47, 1 April 2019 Combatskill.png (file) 5 KB Delta Combat (Active) Your drone now fights back against dangerous encounters. Surviving an encounter grants additional rewards. Base stats take on different purposes during combat. Durability -> Armor Efficiency -> Speed Reliability -> Strength (Damage and... 1
21:45, 1 April 2019 Advancedautomationskill.png (file) 4 KB Delta Advanced Automation (Passive) A second run performed using the Automation skill will complete (10% * skill level) faster than the first. Level 1: 10% faster run Level 2: 20% faster run Level 3: 30% faster run Level 4: 40% faster run Level 5: 50% faster... 1
22:38, 25 March 2019 DFLogoTransparent.png (file) 30 KB TGame   2
16:36, 23 February 2019 Legacy-BannerV2.jpg (file) 32 KB Picard   1
16:36, 23 February 2019 Es9bx0.png (file) 88 KB Picard   1

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