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About Swift

Swift, is a new player, on Legacy, and he is looking to make a name for himself. Some say he is not human, others say he is damn right crazy. No one knows how Swift appeared, all they know is he has a British accent in the form of Geordie. Swift is mysterious and as evil as they come.

Swift was designed by the almighty Cain. As soon as he was born, he was killing stuff, rats, birds, you name it he killed it. He was abandoned by his parents once they realised the evil in side of him was causing him to start killing other people. His killing continued, and he was found and took in by the Dark Flame. To this day, Swift is still killing anything that moves, unless of course they are part of DF.

Swift's Loyalty

Swift is known for his loyalty. From day 1 he was destined to be part of Dark Flame, maybe it was because of the evil inside him, or because blood is drawn everywhere he goes. A lot of players in DF helped Swift out alot, therefore he tries his best to help out in any way possible.