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User talk:Vader

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If I have one thing to say to you Vader, it's sorry. Sorry for being such a complete dick towards you the little while just before you quit Staff. You did a lot of things for me that I should really thank you for, such as hire me as mod in the first place, which was my first step towards becoming Staff, and being there if i needed help during that time. Looking back now, I hope that nothing I said/did prompted you to quit, and I hope that you get to read this, and come back to play Legacy. Most of all, I hope for you to forgive me. I don't expect you to, but I hope you will in time. --Pie 00:56, 6 August 2009 (UTC)


Leave a note on this page and sign it (--~~~~) or mail me ingame to get unbanned. ---Scott 05:22, 16 August 2009 (UTC)