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From Legacy Wiki

Revision as of 09:08, 15 September 2010 by Arretu (Talk | contribs)

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Old Character Designs


I have been playing Legacy for a couple of years now, and am still a lowbie :). I am and always have been a proud member of The Chapter, and served briefly as a Trainer and later as Librarian. Although my account is well beyond the age at which people tend to reach the rank of avatar, various circumstances meant I could barely play for a couple of years, just about keeping my account active. At the very beginning of my time in Legacy, I met several very helpful and welcoming people, including Heggs, Jerv and Jiggy.

On the 21st of July 2010 at 1:34pm, I started working as a Wiki Sysop, under the legendary slavedriver Pascal. I have known him for a fairly long time, from his days under the name SimVader in The Chapter.


5year banner.png - Stood with us during the 5 year anniversary of the game.
Hunt banner.png - Has been ranked among the Top 10 best hunters.
Subscribe banner.png - This player has subscribed to play the game.
Hunting1 banner.png - Defeated the Sector 3 Assassin Lisha.
Hunting2 banner.png - Showed superiority over the mob, defeating their boss.
Hunting3 banner.png - Silenced the corrupt police chief Zaphar, defeating him.
Hunting4 banner.png - Set back X-Corp's plans defeating their founder Sythe.
Hunting5 banner.png - Shook the foundations of the hive, defeating the Hive Lord.
Voting banner.png - Voted for our game over 100 times.


I am one of the co-creators of the peanut butter-peperoni pie. Thanks to KevinMp and Pure for the input!

I can be reached in several other places and games:

Steam: Arretu
EVE Online: Arretu
Guild Wars: Arretu Tiama
Battlefield BC2: Arretu (Though I REALLY suck)

As you can probably tell, making up names is not my forte.