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Friends List

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Legacy's Friends List Unlock allows a friend list with 20 spaces to put names on, which can be bought in the Platinum Store for 9,995p (Or as part of the Ex-Subscriber/Started Package Bundles). Here is an example of a friends list:

Friends list.PNG

The names in gray are offline and the names in white are online.

Players Location / Last Online can show different information depending on the below scenarios.

  • Players that have been offline for several years will show 'A long time ago.' for their Last Online time.
  • Players will be hidden with 'Stealth' if they have the 'Travel Unseen' Ability unlocked (This can be countered with the Ability 'Astral Vision').
  • A Player who has had their account deleted will show 'Not Found'
  • A Staff Member will always have their Location / Last Online as Unknown.

To view who has added you as a friend, click [ View ] in the bottom right of the list (Where it Says 'Listing You : _ [ View ]') and it will give you a list like this:


You can also block certain players from adding you to their Friends List should you not want them to see your information on their Friends List (This does not block seeing you through the Online Now page)

Block list PNG.PNG