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Focus is a resource used by Avatars that allow them to use different abilities within the Wasteland.

Focus Regeneration

Focus will passively regenerate over time at a rate of 5 per minute, but can also be restores using Items or from Weapon Abilities

Items that restore Focus include the following...

Weapon Abilities that can restore a players Focus include the following...

  • Vampiric Smite - Has a chance to steal 5 focus from another player on a successful hit.

NOTE: While there is no way to currently increase the default Focus Regen of 5 per minute, this information is viewable on the players Information page.

Maximum Focus

A players Maximum Focus by default is 100. This however can be increased through the use of Strange Journals up to 10 times for a new maximum of 110 Focus.


The only place Focus can be used is within the Wasteland. Various abilities use this resource to activate, and for more information on them - check the Ability System page.

Medic Abilities

Healing Touch - Uses Focus to Heal a member of your gang with /heal.

Stealth Abilities

Cloak - Uses Focus to hide your character with /cloak. Unlike Hide, the player is allowed to move while using Cloak.
Scan - Uses Focus to scan your location in the wasteland for hidden enemies with /scan.

Tracking Abilities

Track - Uses Focus to track an enemy player in the wasteland using /track.
Shadow - Uses Focus to Shadow an enemy gang member by following them after they phase away with /shadow.

Void Abilities

Swap - Uses Focus to change your equipment to a secondary loadout with /swap.

Warfare Abilities

Shield - Uses Focus to shield the player against the next damaging hit with /shield. This does not inherently use Focus, but can use Focus to force activate it while on cooldown.
Phase - Uses Focus to allow players to phase to another location using /phase.
Summon - Uses Focus to summon friendly gang members to your location with /summon.
Blast - Uses Focus to damage an enemy gang members structure (Cannot damage HQ's) with /blast.
Radiance - Uses Focus to block all incoming damage for 1 minute using /radiance.