From Legacy Wiki

So far I am loving the Legend. It runs on Android 2.1 (Éclair) has 600Mhrz proccessor speed. and lots of more.
So getting a name change to Pascal Today, just much better and more professional :).
Real Life: Being busy with school, almost done with this year, just need to make sure I do it right :D.
So Zymis is made Trainer Master one day ago. Very nice working with him, (I hope). He got many in himself, but he doesn't believe most of it yet. But that will come. OC is pounding on us, we lost a couple of buildings, but it isn't worst. We managed to protect the barracks so far. And we will take it back! Of course I am not going to put any important information that has yet to come into this log. Would be stupid if I did.
So yeah I have holidays now again. Going to work on some projects, maybe some wiki work. I'll see how it goes :)
This is my first memory recording, well to start. Just came off from work, working at a supermarket is sometimes a pain in the ass. With your boss shouting you must work faster, while you think you are already at the max, but I survived again, up to the next week! XD.
So, did some wiki work, checking the images, and update them if needed. Its not so hard, but there are a lot of unused files. But I will be done very fast I keep it up in this speed. My gang is working hard in the wasteland, we lost one building today, the one I started to build yesterday, not so bad, since we lost 3 buildings last week :). Tomorrow Sunday, my free day. I hope I will have finished this wiki work by them, so I can start to update another page :). This was it for today.