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User:Connor/Thank You

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Thank You

Name Maxpower Real Name Connor
Birthday 24th October Age 17
Gender Male Location United Kingdom
Rank Player Guide Gang Outcast

-About Me- 
-Player History-
-Gang History- 
-Thank You-

There has been a lot of people that have helped in some way shape or form during my time on Legacy. 
This is just a page to say thank you to all of them, because I wouldn't be where I am now without them!

Scott - Scott has helped me so much, he showed me how to play legacy well and he was always there if I had any question I needed to know.
Will - Will showed me everything there is to know to do with being a player guide and showed me a lot about the wiki.
Wolf - Ever since I became a guide, this kid has been the best friend you could ask for.
Faelust - She has helped me so much with gear, and helping me get to AV.