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Revision as of 00:18, 3 April 2022 by Albel (Talk | contribs)

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The toolbox in all its glory!

The toolbox is a special item found inside of the 5th, 8th and 10th Gift Boxes. When used on a valid item, that item will gain a trade point.

Screenshot of the 5th year box!
  • What items can I use the toolbox on?
You may use the toolbox on non-gang weapons, armor or misc. items which begin life tradable.
  • Can I use the toolbox to make 4 trade items
Yes, but be careful you can only use it once so don't waste it by making a Pistol 4t.
  • There are numbers on my dropdown, why?
This is the items unique ID, we use them so if an item has an issue we can look at said item.
  • Will my toolbox vanish if I do not use it?
No, but why not add it to your storage spot and keep the rare item.
Screenshot of the toolbox being used.