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== Doal ==
== Doal ==

Revision as of 20:22, 9 February 2010


Interesting fact:Ok heres a little something.

Doal is an acronym for Don of all liars.

Reason for naming myself that is simple.

I'm a liar.I lie just to save my ass or my friends ass(true I've saved some of my friends by lying).I lie over a lot of things.Even if they aren't worth lying for. But if you know me I tend to lie just for fun.

About me:Ok I won't go into detail because its the internet and sometimes I don't trust it :P.

Ok names my real name is Janusz.

Age thats obvious 15.

Where I live is the best place in the U.S. and possibly the world Chicago.

School well Amos Alonzo Stagg H.S. home of the worst football team "The Chargers". Thats enough about me.

The story of me being in Legacy. I found it on: When I first signed up on Legacy I thought to myself another boring rpg game.When I played on it I was like wow this game is the ****.(back then I was Rndmhuntr)But then the unthinkable happened when I started going on Side Chat hell came for me.So many players criticized me made fun of me and attacked me because of my name(This was all on my first day).I got disfavored because I swore while they laughed at me.That's when I met Scott he was telling me to behave myself.I rebelled and we both kept fighting and fighting.Hell I even asked Zorg about my problem and he blocked me.So I instead of leveling I was doing jobs.I used to be an OC but then quit then joined BoD then quit until I decided to be rogue till I joined DF.During my time I got disfavored a lot and banned a lot.I was banned so much I lost track.I was like **** it.I made another account.Oppressor this one I was an OC.I was having fun with my second account I thought this was a good decision i made even though I was banned for 14 days because of this.Still was fun.I had an idea since my old account Rndmhuntr wasn't going to be played again I thought of taking all the credits and putting it into my account.That pissed Scott off and told me to give him the credits that I gave to my second account.I told him no and he banned Oppressor till deletion but as of this moment its still not deleted.I was super pissed.I was like the little boy who got his ice cream knocked out of his hands.That's how angry I was.i blew up on Side Chat that Scott banned me for a couple of days.After I got back I gave up I told people on Side Chat about my problems here.But they kept making fun of me.I asked Scott to change my name.He told me to sub I was like forget it. They kept making fun of me and I was getting angry until System disfavored my.I was like this is my last straw.I told Scott I'll make another account and this time he won't know about it.He was like GOOD! and banned me.I was like ah screw it won't play on it again.Months went by until I got an email saying my account Rndmhuntr is deleted for inactivity at that moment I was urged to come back to Legacy.I was like no.So a month or two or three went by and viala.Made another account Doal.I told Scott who I was and he was fine with me.So now we are at peace.I liked this decision and now I play on it almost everyday.Man this story is so long I was getting weird feelings in my head.As of this moment I plan on not doing negative things and trying to make it through the community.That's my story. Monday Febuary 8-7:08:I have left TC.