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Question Hour 9
22nd June 2006
With : Zorg, Jkjace (at the start), Pimp (at the end)

17:09:46 Zorg: Ok that is everyone silenced.
17:11:09 Jkjace: QUESTION: badwolf06 asks Zorg what is ur next big update? or are u just finishin off then goin to plan a big update?
17:11:43 Zorg: ....who doesn't know what it will be :/
17:11:56 Zorg: It is in the blog, you can see it in profiles, there are a couple of threads in the Main Forum...
17:12:14 Zorg: After Gangs you will have to wait and see.
17:12:37 Jkjace: QUESTION: begg4merrc asks How did yiou officially make gangsterz 2. Did you just wake up one day 
and say, "oo im gonna make a game called gangsterz"?
17:13:21 Zorg: All detailed in the G2 Wiki, my complete history is there about all the games I have worked on / made.
17:13:25 Zorg: But pretty much yeah, I was bored.
17:13:40 Zorg: Working on other peoples games sucks :(
17:14:25 Jkjace: Yea it does.
17:14:29 Jkjace: XD
17:14:58 Jkjace: *goes to make his own game*
17:15:47 Zorg: Just to point out as well, I have not slept in over 24 hours and I want to kill someone...anyone >:)
17:15:51 Zorg: -_-
17:16:13 Jkjace: Good then you should love this next question.
17:16:14 Jkjace: :P
17:16:30 Jkjace: I hope it makes you feel happy and giddy like a little girl. :P
17:18:45 Jkjace: QUESTION: Boyzzz asks will you be making clan battles and how will they work? 
17:19:01 Zorg: Clan Battles?
17:19:17 Zorg: erm yeah, now people can join multiple clans.... I can see that working.
17:19:27 Zorg: seen as it would not work when we just had single clans/gangs.
17:19:54 Zorg: Gang Wars are a possibility for the future, but nothing like Clan Battles will ever be happening.
17:21:21 Jkjace: QUESTION: cubbies05 asks When the new gang system starts, how will it be decided which gang you 
are in? Are you gonna try and balance them out or will it all be random?
17:22:30 Zorg: I will be assigning Elders in to leadership positions and disolving the Chamber of Elders, everyone else will be placed 
randomly as will newbies on signup. At that point you will  be able to change gangs if you wish, for a small fee. (No invite system,
you can move between them as you wish )
17:22:53 Zorg: Or you could leave...and go rogue.
17:23:09 Jkjace: I think everyone will join the one I'm in of course...
17:23:53 Zorg: Haha
17:23:59 Zorg: you think you get to be in one? :P
17:24:14 Jkjace: I will own one! :P
17:24:42 Jkjace: QUESTION: Cyclone asks now that summer is over, more people will be online fighting. Have you planned 
for this extra stress on the server?
17:25:42 Zorg: The server is stressed? :o
17:26:07 Zorg: I see occasional page loading of 0.5 seconds or so, but never consistant lag outside of tick times
17:26:14 Jkjace: Give it a massage.
17:26:30 Zorg: I think the server will cope fine with whatever we throw at it
17:26:31 Jkjace: Or a vacation... i heard Hawaii is nice this time of year :P
17:27:14 Jkjace: QUESTION: demon281 asks Are any of the staff allowed to break the TOS???? If so, why?????
17:27:46 Zorg smacks his head in to his desk.
17:27:56 Zorg: They are your staff, you answer.
17:28:13 Jkjace: No. They are not allowed to break the TOS.
17:28:16 Jkjace: Unless it's me.
17:28:38 Jkjace: Seriously though, If any staff do break the TOS report it to me immediatly.
17:29:51 Jkjace: QUESTION: duncan2688 asks When the new gang system is implemented and every one is put into the 
new 4 'clans' (or whatever). What will happen to the Gang Banks ?
17:30:07 Zorg: ....
17:30:20 Zorg: How are people still not getting this gang / clan seperation thing?
17:31:12 Jkjace: It is posted everywhere...
17:31:22 Zorg: -_- z Z
17:31:39 Zorg: Next question.
17:31:51 Zorg: I will not justify such stupidity with a response.
17:32:07 Jkjace: QUESTION: fragger222 asks when it is 6pm the hunting characters arnt healed, it at like 6:00:05 or something, why is this?
17:32:29 Zorg: Ok, that question is like a month old... next question.
17:34:43 Zorg pokes Jkjace with a stick.
17:34:59 Zorg: Erm, ok he clearly isn't here anymore.
17:35:29 Zorg: QUESTION : Frost asks Why do I always sound like an idiot when try to talk?
17:35:36 Zorg: ...j/k
17:35:43 Zorg: QUESTION : Frost asks Will there be plans for gang wars when the new system is finally releaced?
17:36:32 Zorg: Erm yeah, I have some ideas with a graphical map split in to squares, and objectives to capture, etc. 
No idea if it will work yet or not... just random ideas for how it will work  when it gets made.
17:36:59 Zorg: QUESTION : Jobu asks Sorry if it was asked before (not counting me bugging dk about it), but is there a chance 
of some level 50-75 Character Design choices?
17:37:22 Zorg: Dk does not currently have the option to upload outfits with a requirement other than 50 or 80 in that range...
17:37:49 Zorg: It was decided when we made it that 50 was high enough, apart from Avatar only outfits. I don't see any need to 
continue with 60 and 70 level outfit items as well.
17:38:15 Zorg: QUESTION : jrdn92 asks Are you going to make new clothing?
17:38:37 Zorg: Dk will be finishing off the female avatar clothing, then we will both be working on new Gang specific outfit items.
17:39:01 Zorg: After that, who knows. But new gang outfits should be fun, they will be your gangs color and in a style that
follows their storylines.
17:40:13 Zorg: Ok disregarding some stupid questions like me13's
17:40:25 Zorg: QUESTION : NaziHalo asks Were you really going to replace g2 with a space game (a longlong time ago)? 
If so, what happened to it?
17:41:04 Zorg: Wasn't that long ago, and yes. I did not feel like rebuilding the G2 database back then, and I had ideas for 
something new...
17:41:15 Zorg: don't know why but back then I didn't see any new direction to take G2 in.
17:41:20 Pimp Logs in
17:41:46 Zorg: QUESTION : OSU871316 asks Are you allowed to speak a langauge that is not English in Main Chat?
17:41:48 Zorg: Nope
17:42:02 Zorg: QUESTION : RandomHero asks Do you plan on creating some new items, either weapons or otherwise, for the lower 
levels or hospital?
17:42:31 Zorg: Nope, the Gang Systems will bring with them a couple of items... but I will not go in to detail on them yet and they 
will be added after the initial release.
17:42:53 Zorg: Once all that is done and working, we may work on adding more to Hunting. I don't know, we definetly need a level 60 
and 70 armor for the casino shop.
17:43:14 Zorg: QUESTION : UriahB7 asks What other games are u planing for the arcade?
17:43:38 Zorg: ...erm, I don't plan or make them. I find them on the internet, think they are cool so add them to the Arcade.
17:43:49 Zorg: So if you find any cool ones, let me know.
17:44:14 Zorg: QUESTION : yogip asks When will Deeg play my request? I won the request completion a while back and still nothing. 
I told him to either pick anything by Metallic or play Sad but True by Metallic.
17:44:22 Zorg looks around.
17:44:35 Zorg: Deeg isn't here :/ and I have no idea what request you made, when you made it or when he will be playing it.
17:44:38 Pimp: Well he must have a valid reason.
17:44:59 Pimp: He said a bit ago that if the song needs editing send him the edited version and he'll play it.
17:45:28 Zorg: Erm yeah, if you say so.
17:45:32 Pimp: :P
17:45:51 Zorg: That is the last of the Questions anyway, few things to point out before I wrap it up.
17:46:01 Zorg: Be sure to read my new Blog to keep up to date on game changes :D
17:46:33 Zorg: Don't forget a week on Saturday is Canada Day! :P
17:46:39 Zorg: 1st July
17:46:55 Zorg: ...random comment, I just found that out :D
17:46:57 Pimp: =D
17:47:20 Zorg: This Friday is Luxembourg day but who the hell knows where Luxembourg is :/
17:48:23 Zorg: Anyway yeah, I will keep putting in the blog how progress on the Gang System is going. Next Question hour will be 
on the 22nd July.
17:48:30 Pimp: oh yeah, i've gotten a couple complaints from people asking why they're not in Coe
17:48:45 Zorg: huh?
17:49:22 Pimp: Some of the newer players are complaining and asking why they aren't in the council of elders.
17:49:33 Zorg: ...because by definition they are newer players?
17:49:39 Pimp: mmmhm :P
17:49:48 Zorg: Anyway, until next time.