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X-Corp, or the Xion Corporation, is a large, corrupt business that controls every aspect of life in the hive, from working to the countless products they make, including several weapons. X-Corp is the main power behind the government, with many of the corrupt Hive Police and Senate Guards under their control. The main goal of X-Corp is to make money in any way possible, legal or illegal.


Sythe, the founder of X-Corp, can be found as a Special Character on the Hunting page wielding a Heavy Flamethrower and a Mini-gun. According to the Blind Seer of the Dark Alleyway in Sector 3, Sythe is “an arrogant fool who mistakes money for power.”


X-Corp's Protectors

X-Corp, being the corrupt business it is, has its interests protected by both official guards and those supposedly under the control of the government. Such guards include X-Corp Guards, several of the corrupt Hive Police and many of the Senate Guards. Also employed by X-Corp are Bounty Hunters, who hunt X-Corp's enemies for a price. These protectors can be found on the Hunting page.



X-Corp Merchandise, which later became Joe's Merchandise, was located in Sector 3 and sold Stealth Fields and, for a short time, Soylent Greens, a few of which can still be found floating around, even after their production ceased.
