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Special Thanks

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Zymischar1.gif Zymis & Guilt

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SteviePchar1.gif StevieP

a.k.a Die/Lovebunny.. one of my best mate's i made while playing Legacy, it all started when i was flirting with him on Side Chat.. decieved by his character design thinking he was female and he played along with it Smiley 21.gif, i was then told he was a dude and at the time we were both in The Chapter so we started chatting in Wasteland & Msn and we've remained pretty good mates ever since, his one of a few people from legacy i kept in contact with when i took a break from this game and his helped me alot while i was leveling including being my Avatar kill, and still helping me, We still talk alot while killing noobs in Mw2 on xbox360 Smiley 14.gif

MissTHC420char1.gif MissTHC420 & Heggs

My two favourite gals, Missthc a.k.a Danii besides having a similiar name - Dan & Danii - we got alot of other things outside of Legacy in common and we always seem to cheer eachother up when one of us is down, we've had awesome convo's over msn about various things like the SUPER HOT SUPER SEXY CALL A FIREMAN, you are a treasured friend and i love ya.Smiley 2.gif Heggs, you have helped me out more times than i can count, you took time to teach me the game again and helped me rank up in The Chapter, You are one of the few people i trust and i value your advice very highly. Smiley 8.gif and like MissTHC420 i can always count on you to cheer me up and make me smile.

AlPacinOchar1.gif AlPacinO

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Anialatorchar1.gif anialator & Jerv

Two of the most sexiest most awesome TC members ever. Ani where do i even begin, you are my awesome sig maker and you can always make me laugh and smile wether be it in Wasteland, forums or pms. Jerv, i liked you instantly and we got on pretty well since day one, you help me as i was leveling, even helped me reach Avatar by sending me some credits and blackmailing me to hunt, and there isn't a bigger perv than you on Legacy and that's why i love you, like ani you always find a way to make me laugh even in my bad days plus your an awesome leader.Smiley 17.gif

File:Rottenjrchar1.gif RottenJr

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Grzesiek17char1.gif Grzesiek17 & hellgiver

My two favourite online chat buddies Smiley 2.gif met them both on Online chat when they were both Chat mod's at the time so they were on online chat alot, we started talking as i spent more time on online chat they really grew on me and we become really good friends ever since. Coincidently when i was made R16 Chaplain in The Chapter, Grzesiek17 was the R16 of Dark Flame this made my job alot easier as i was well acquainted with him. Myself and Grzesiek17 used to talk alot on msn before i took a break from legacy and still talk now and then from time to time on Online Chat. I have'nt been able to catch Hellgiver online alot since i returned to legacy but we've reconnected through pm's and i hope to get back to talking with him daily cause his awesome.

None.png Whiskeyjac

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Dartnellchar1.gif Dartnell & Jiggy

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Shade character.gif Shade & Pascal

Like Grzesiek17 & Hellgiver i met Shade in online chat when he was Staff he seemed cool so i started talking to him more and more, then when he decided to leave staff and become a player again he was made R16 for Outcasts Just before i was promoted to R16, he then gave me his msn to make our job easier and we started talking more and more each day and he's really grown on me. We have a laugh with our daily who can Rawr first on msn mini-competition i've won most of them ofcourse Smiley 9.gif, and i consider him a very close mate. Pascal!! a.k.a simvader you are one of the reasons i loved being a trainer in The Chapter helping you since you were a noob and now you went on to surpass me and made Staff, you've always kept me laughing on msn and were a warrior in the Wastelands your a good friend and I'm proud of you Smiley 2.gif

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ExDeathchar1.gif ExDeath & Gillie

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The Chapter.gif The Chapter

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