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About Me


Hey, I'm Yamem, my real name is Jordi, but you can call me Bordi. I started playing Legacy a long time ago, when I was in 8th grade (2009 maybe?), when Philly and Matty told me about this game. Upon creating an account, I was put into BoD, but in under 3 minutes, Matty got me to switch to OC. I made it to about level 20 then I switched to TC mostly because I like the colour blue, that lasted for a bit, I ranked up for a while, got to level 25ish, then Philly got me to go back to OC. After Level 30, I stopped playing for about 2 months. I wanted to start playing again, but I had too much going on in my life, and my account was left equipless. After a while, I got bored enough, that I logged in, took a loan from somebody, and bought back all my stuff and after about a day, I stopped playing for a good month or so. My computer became the slowest thing in the world, thus leaving me 2 playable text games, one being Legacy. Once I came back, I realized OC wasnt where I wanted to be, so I went back the the gang I felt most at home, Chapter. While with TC, I reached (approx.) level 70(ish) however my computer was destroyed and I had no way of logging in (this is when permanent accounts had to be bought) so needless to say, I lost that old Yamem. In 2012 I gave it another try from scratch, now here I am. Second Yamem and at the time of writing this, Im level 76 and rank 11 in TC. Im very lucky to have played this game with so many people.