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My legacy char.gif

My username is CRAGE I picked it cuz it's a combination of words, crazy and rage not sure why it was just a thought in my head and I always choose weird names like eyeeateye when I listened to tool a bunch when I was like 15, I started playing legacy awhile back don't remember what username I had back then but I don't think it was the same it is now only played for a little bit then stopped can't remember right off why, then started playing again a few months ago and didn't play much when I returned and now I'm pretty active trying to grow levels and be active as I can, I mainly started playing cuz a friend of mine got me into it but now he doesn't even play anymore haha, I've learned alot playing this game like don't annoy av's or they kill you and stalk you in the wasteland xD also not to give into their stupid remarks in sidechat lol, anyways I do my best and always give it my all and someday i to will be a great AV 8)

Stood with us during the 5 year anniversary of the game. Decimated the hive, reaching the Top 10 highest wins. Defeated the Sector 3 Assassin Lisha. Showed superiority over the mob, defeating their boss. Silenced the corrupt police chief Zaphar, defeating him. Voted for our game over 100 times.