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(Naughtiness: Just a new quote of bladez hearing of rumor of ross and skorne)
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[[Category: Community]]
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17:23  Warum : So justme :O or  :X?
17:23  Warum : :O = Spit
17:23  Warum : :X = Swallow
17:23  base : :O im gonna have to stop
17:23  Justme : lol
17:24  Dark Flame gained 10% control of area.
17:24  base : warum thats personal gawd!
17:24  Warum : Spitters are quitters!
17:24  base : bra size isnt.. easily guessable
17:24  Justme : is that ur answer base
17:24  base : spit or swallow is personal
17:24  base : i swallow
17:24  base : om nom nom

Revision as of 17:55, 22 February 2009


Skorne : 00:22 - going to go find an Eagle to rape.

Sparky : 12:47 - i sell maddoctor on the street corner
DOOMER123 : 12:47 - wot
maddoctor : 12:48 - My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard damn right
maddoctor : 12:48 - its betta than Zorgs

23:16:12 [Tsukasa] Kitten wants head
23:16:14 [Tsukasa] my*

bcfcespley : 18:57 - im doing some females at the mo

Kingster89 : 06:40 - don't me me penis slap you! >:(
Kingster89 : 06:40 - make*

21:51:44 [maddoctor] Pie's suckiness is more than satisfactory
21:51:56 [Naddral] Pie give gooooooood sucky sucky only ten dolla

06:28:59 [maddoctor] i swear to god your just asking for it D:
06:29:03 [chipmoney] thats what she said!
06:29:12 Nitrous bends over
06:29:16 [Nitrous] give to me hard
06:29:16 maddoctor rams 
06:29:21 [maddoctor] OH YEAH!
06:29:22 [Nitrous] o.o
06:29:24 [maddoctor] HARDER
06:29:29 [maddoctor] Oh oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 
06:29:29 [Nitrous] D:

03:31:33 [Gambit] HOLY SHNOZEBERIES BAT MAN! i smell a 3som? no 4 som! Me Nazi Bella And Heggs
03:31:40 [NaziHalo] sorry i dont share
03:31:46 [Gambit] DAMMIT
03:31:49 [Gambit] ill watch then
03:31:56 [NaziHalo] no sorry, girls only in the girls room
03:32:04 [Gambit] ...oh what about just me and you?
03:32:13 [NaziHalo] sorry, girls only in the girls room
03:32:35 [Gambit] ...what about my room?
03:32:42 [NaziHalo] sorry im allergic to cat
03:32:49 [Gambit] i dont have a cat
03:32:58 [NaziHalo] no but you are a pussy    
03:33:03 NaziHalo hides from the pun police
03:33:04 [Tsukasa] HAHAHAHA
03:33:06 [Gambit] Prove it
03:33:06 [Tsukasa] BURNED!

02:25:01 [maddoctor] Bernard721 if you join oc nazi will show you how to poledance on oc hq
02:25:01 User Larse has logged in.
02:25:08 [NaziHalo] yeah
02:25:13 [Bernard721] Tempting offer    
02:25:14 [NaziHalo] my milkshakes bring tc to the yard
02:25:18 [maddoctor]  XD  
02:25:20 [NaziHalo] i can show you, but ill have to charge
02:25:30 Bernard721 runs to join OC

14:50:06 [Zorg] You put me off women for life! I like men now    

14:12:40 [maddoctor] Pies going to turn up on my door step with a shotgun one day   
14:14:17 [Pie] Yes
14:14:18 [Pie] Yes i am
14:14:24 [Slyzorer] OWNED
14:14:27 [maddoctor] only because you want to blow me with love

23:29:15 Tsukasa changes his bedding to leopard print
23:29:17 [Tsukasa] lol
23:29:20 Tsukasa feels sexy
23:29:21 [Nitrous] >.>   
23:29:32 [Nitrous] Tsu,    
23:29:45 [Tsukasa] I really do have leopard print    
23:29:57 [Nitrous] dude, send me a pic with you in a zebra print thong!
23:30:12 [Nitrous] that would be awsome
23:30:31 [Nitrous] zebra print thong on a leopard print bedding >.>
23:30:39 [Tsukasa] a boy
23:30:44 [Tsukasa] isnt that icky?    
23:30:46 [Nitrous] you are?
23:30:53 [Heggs] that's just too much
23:30:58 [Tsukasa] lmao
23:30:59 Kovalis vomits 
23:31:07 [Tsukasa] S'why you called me dude
02:23:41 [jiggy] Its quite big 
02:23:51 [jiggy] hahaha not the first time I said that   

Jake : 17:24 - Paine come here and tell me what you want for christmas.
Paine : 17:24 - 1 more and i become a real problem for you
Ross : 17:24 - Paine
Paine : 17:24 - you want me to sit on your lap jake
Ross : 17:24 - sit on my lap, we'll talk about the first thing that pops up
Jake : 17:25 - Yes Paine come here love.
Paine : 17:25 - short convo ross
Paine : 17:25 - :P
Cee4293 : 17:25 - XD
Ross : 17:25 - XD
Jake : 17:25 - lmao
Jake : 17:25 - Paine that was quality.

zvasbinder : 23:23 - i suck at night
zvasbinder : 23:23 - during the day i kill at night i suck
Aaronsan : 23:23 - how much do you charge?

Zorg : 06:08 - Next person to swear on side chat is banned.
Zorg : 06:08 - I'm tired of listening to this already.
Neener : 06:09 - i feel pwned 
SnowFlake : 06:09 - hey zorg 
newlagoon : 06:09 - Zorg, is bollo cks a swear word or not?
Zorg : 06:09 - Very bad question to ask after I gave that warning newlagoon
pilchardbo : 06:10 - It's very mild
bmcbmg : 06:10 - yuck
Renovatio : 06:10 - zorg, wjhat happens when you get staff favor ?
pilchardbo : 06:10 - like "cojones"
newlagoon : 06:10 - I know but I wanna know 
System : 06:10 - Zorg granted his staff disfavor on newlagoon.

Oct 27 11:00 PM [Guest82199] base
Oct 27 11:00 PM [Guest82199] ur staff right?
Oct 27 11:00 PM [base] no
Oct 27 11:00 PM [base] im just pure sex

irbriand - Banned for 13 day(s). 

21:09   funman12 pulls down vemps pants to find a...
21:09   Vemp : fun: watch what you'll say next

Gillie : 04:59 - its easier to make a hole than make a pole

bigmick : 11:12 - oh last nite i did some horizontal jogging
Rapala : 11:12 - Did u do the merry go ride also?
bigmick : 11:13 - i was merry and there was riding involed

Sinvx : 23:03 - my cat hates me:(
Tsukasa : 23:03 - becasue you touch yourself at night
Tsukasa : 23:03 - and she sees you doing so
Sinvx : 23:03 -:o
Sinvx : 23:04 - sick cat
Tsukasa : 23:04 - haha, learned your lesson

05:01 Nitrous has joined the chat. 
05:01 [Kaylem] wtf is that in my pants!? 
05:01 [Pie] XD 
05:01 [Kaylem] oh hi nit...

4:38: Chipedwood: Evrox should be a dirty word XD

3:01 PM [me13] if boxers had bra sizes id still be in a training bra  

9:46 PM [Nitrous] stalking is a privelidge not a right

16:12 [MrCrowley] Crotch Explosion? 
16:12 [Anovski] maybe...

Primie : 19:22 - Who likes my new char look? :D
Shaidar : 19:23 - lol, its freddy mercury

21:37:15 [kooldork] staff has taken over the chat room
21:37:17 [kooldork] XD   
21:38:24 [me13] Only the cool staff
21:38:31 User Fiction has logged out.
21:38:37 [me13] See ^    
21:38:43 [me13] Jokes!

Sinvx : 17:17 - Buwhahahahahahahaha hhahahahahahahahahh ahaahahahhahahahahh aha
deller : 17:17 - give all staff favour to me lol
Flagg : 17:18 - never tried before dball
deller : 17:18 - i wanna get it full
Zorg : 17:18 - Please observe the 5 haha limit on mwhaha and buwhaha's

06:54:01 [Steve] one of my jobs is doing what i just did to heggs earlier

User Deeg has logged out.
[Pie] If he talks now, it doesn't say his name    
[maceybhoy] :O hes a ghost
[maceybhoy] what if he does ./me XD
[Pie] ...
User Deeg has logged in.
[Deeg] i wouldn't ever do "you"
[Pie] >.>
[Deeg] weirdo.
[maceybhoy] XD
[Pie] Lol
[Shover3d] XD
User Deeg has logged out.

This part is dedicated to some special few who love to enjoy themsleves whil on G2 ;) this is for you guys. -_DA_-

Primie : 20:42 - you can't even get it up anymore fifty
Primie : 20:42 - you dont satisfy me anymore
Cannon : 20:43 - he satisfied people before?
deadartist : 20:43 - well that proves it
deadartist : 20:43 - primie takes it in the ass
fiftycal12 : 20:43 - Well it's like throwing a hotdog down a hallway with you
Cannon : 20:43 - You defeated Frost in self defense.
iceycold : 20:43 - wait am i gettin ingorned!!!!primie? no yea?
Primie : 20:43 - fifty is kinky like that da
darp : 20:43 - We need that, thank you.
deadartist : 20:44 -
deadartist : 20:44 - see primie
fiftycal12 : 20:44 - You need to stop fisting yourself Primie
deadartist : 20:44 - its fun to joke around
iceycold : 20:44 - darp?hi........if primie wont take me then will u?
Primie : 20:44 - maybe you should try, old man
fiftycal12 : 20:45 - you want me to fist you? again?
Primie : 20:45 - icey, if you're a 12 yo boy, fifty would be happy too
deadartist : 20:45 - as whole sc goes homosexual

Goaty : 17:55 - You can always expect Jake to be blunt. :P
JoeDemoggs : 17:56 - yeah tbh XD
maddoctor : 17:56 - See.. im not there and mentors screw up :(
JakeyBoy : 17:56 - Im honest unlike some. 
JakeyBoy : 17:56 - Some people just suck dick to get favor
JoeDemoggs : 17:56 - I wish i could XD
JakeyBoy : 17:56 - They get eroused by yellow mail.
Staff : 17:56 - -_-
JoeDemoggs : 17:56 - *they
Goaty : 17:57 - Freudian slip there, JD? :O
Tibos : 17:57 - lol Goaty
JoeDemoggs : 17:57 - lol XD
Thanatos : 17:57 - XD

Bladez : 20:40 - i hear ross tries to touch skorne while they do it
Kitten : 20:40 - I almost pissed myself laughing

17:23 Warum : So justme :O or  :X? 17:23 Warum : :O = Spit 17:23 Warum : :X = Swallow 17:23 base : :O im gonna have to stop 17:23 Justme : lol 17:24 Dark Flame gained 10% control of area. 17:24 base : warum thats personal gawd! 17:24 Warum : Spitters are quitters! 17:24 base : bra size isnt.. easily guessable 17:24 Justme : is that ur answer base 17:24 base : spit or swallow is personal 17:24 base : i swallow 17:24 base : om nom nom