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(New page: == Episode 2 == <font color="lime"> <u>'''Starring:'''</u> </font> <font color="red"> '''As "Dark Flame":''' ''eddo, Frost, HappyDays, 6Vincent6, Tsukasa, chipmonkey, Goaty, Nipp0n and D...)
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Latest revision as of 12:25, 4 February 2009

Episode 2


As "Dark Flame": eddo, Frost, HappyDays, 6Vincent6, Tsukasa, chipmonkey, Goaty, Nipp0n and Danijel.

As "The Outcasts": JoeBloggs, BongHitter, NaziHalo, Aaronsan, Noodle, FireHybrid, and maddoctor.

As "Blade of Dawn": Jack, BeaverMan, BaconMan, darp, eliteeagle and FatTony.

As "The Chapter": Ross, Primie, Cannon, zvasbinder, Chris, Kolgena and Heggs .

As "The Legacy Council": Zorg, Deeg, Destiny, Vader, base, Nitrous, chos3n, Fiction, PaulTech, OSU and dk16.

And guest starring is Emperor as the First Avatar of Legacy!

Scene 1

chipmonkey was sitting in the police station handcuffed to Nitrous’ desk. He got himself in trouble for stuffing Nitrous’ mailbox full of crap mail. chipmonkey had never been on the good side of the Legacy Council and he plans to never let that happen. chipmonkey sits there pondering what Nitrous will do with him.

(Nitrous sits down at his desk and looks over chipmonkey’s profile. He flips through the many pages of the Council comments then puts down the file.)

Nitrous: Alright chipmonkey you know why you’re here?

chipmonkey: Unfortunately I do.

Nitrous: Thanks to your stupidity the Council could not receive reports from the Wastelands and who knows what could’ve happened.

(chipmonkey hangs his head in shame.)

chipmonkey: So what’s gonna happen to me?

Nitrous: You’ll be escorted around and under the surveillance of the Hive Police for 10 days for your actions. (Nitrous pulls out the Stick and whacks chipmonkey on the wrist.)

chipmonkey: OW!

Nitrous: Don’t ever do this again you got it?

chipmonkey: yeah, yeah, yeah.

(Nitrous removes the handcuffs from chipmonkey and throws his weapons back.)

Nitrous: Escort him out of the building please.

(Destiny walks up to Nitrous’s desk.)

Destiny: You know he’ll be back here within 2 days right?

Nitrous: yeah and then I’ll whack him even harder!

(Deeg passes chipmonkey and sits down at his desk.)

Deeg: You know chipmonkey practically lives here. He should consider joining the police.

Nitrous: We already have a plate engraved labeling his jail cell.

Destiny: I don’t think I’d survive the amount of times Chip’s been in here.

Deeg: You kind of get used to it. Although I think we should try and get chipmonkey to settle down and be reasonable.

Destiny: Like that’ll happen

Nitrous: The only way he’ll settle down is if we brainwash him

(A smile creeps across Deeg’s face and he walks out of the Police Station without saying another word.)

Nitrous: Oh snap!

Scene 2

Nipp0n runs towards the OC-DF fronts fighting his way through the guards. Following him was HappyDays, Goaty and 6Vincent6. They sliced through the Outcasts territory like it was nothing. As they approach the Outcasts Headquarters JoeBloggs, BongHitter, Aaronsan, NaziHalo, Noodle and FireHybrid teleport in and engage the Dark Flame. Several other Outcasts teleport in and coming from the North was many more Dark Flame.

JoeBloggs: Go, go, go! Take them down!

(Blades clash, guns ring out and blood spills in the Wastelands. The enemies were dropping from injury or Radiation poisoning and soon the Outcasts retreated back to the Hive. The slaughter ended with the Dark Flame standing victorious but weak. NaziHalo and Noodle collapse. Everyone else had retreated and now they are Prisoners of War.)

HappyDays: Take them back to the HQ we’ll start cleansing this Territory of the Outcast filth.

Goaty: Nipp0n, you take them back. We’ll interrogate them later. Just throw them in the dungeon.

Nipp0n: Got it. Alright you two, let’s go.

(Nipp0n grabs Noodle and NaziHalo and pulls them along back to the Headquarters. Goaty reloads his weapons and sharpens his blades. HappyDays does some recon to make sure they wouldn’t be ambushed. And 6vincent6…well he’s just sleeping.)

HappyDays: Looks clear for now. Reinforcements should arrive in 20 minutes. Until then we are going to have to hold this area.

Goaty: They won’t be back you saw how those Outcasts ran.

HappyDays: They could just be regrouping. Which means we’ll have to be alert and awake. (He kicks 6Vincent6)

6Vincent6: Ow! You could have been a bit nicer about that!

(Tsuakasa appears from the North. He approaches his companions and sits down)

Tsukasa: Aw I missed the slaughter

HappyDays: They’ll be back.

Tsukasa: Frost and 5 others are coming. They’re all low levels though.

HappyDays: They’ll be good for shields and gaining control.

(Frost appears with SubZero, ________, _________, ________, ________).

Frost: I got this lot together quickly and brought them down.

HappyDays: Good... 10 more minutes till reinforcements arrive.

Goaty: Hey guys Blade of Dawn is also moving south. They’re cutting up OC territory.

Frost: Good they’ll be preoccupied now.

6Vincent6: If they move to our lands then we’ll go after them right?

Frost: Exactly! But for now let’s focus on the Outcasts.

(Ross shimmers into the territory and the Dark Flame members jump to fighting position.)

Ross: Wait! I’m here to give you an offer from the Chapter.

(eddo shimmers into existence and injures Ross)

Frost: No deal I guess. (Frost laughs hysterically.)

eddo: What was he doing all the way out here?

HappyDays: He was trying to deliver a deal.

eddo: No deals!

6Vincent6: Speaking of deals any one see Deal or No Deal last night? Man that was awesome. The banker was ready to rip his hair out!

eddo: Never even heard of it.

6Vincent6: that figures. You need to get out more.

eddo: Sitting at home and watching pointless TV shows is getting out?

Tsukasa: It is if you watch the travel channel.

(The Dark Flame members hear the sound of a car approaching and look around. They see a red Mustang with white stripes. It was speeding towards them and as it gets closer they see NoS on the license plate.)

HappyDays: Ah crap why can’t they leave us alone.

Frost: It’s only Nitrous, he doesn’t do anything but survey the territory for threats.

(eddo picks up his binoculars and looks towards the car.)

eddo: Ah crap Destiny is with him.

(eddo looks closer.)

eddo: What the hell? Is there a Council picnic or something? base and OSU are with him.

Frost: Hmm... Well if he brought Destiny along it must be important. But why base and OSU?

HappyDays: Well base is Outcasts representative. So maybe they are alerting the gangs.

(The red Mustang’s breaks screech and the car spins to a stop. Destiny opens the door of the car and base and OSU leap out kissing the ground.)

OSU: LAND! Oh thank God land!

base: Never ever again!

Destiny: I quite enjoyed it.

(Nitrous cuts the engine on the car and gets out of the car)

Nitrous: Oh come on you guys. It was only 230 mph

OSU: Good thing I skipped having lunch

Destiny: Can I get on with my business? We still have to get to the Outcasts and the Chapter.

(Nitrous walks back to the Mustang and pops the hood.)

eddo: What’s up?

Destiny: We’re just posting some warnings. A few people have been venturing into the North-West quadrant and we don’t know what’s up there.

Nitrous: Uh…scratch that. The tests just came back and there’s anthrax up there. Guess we Zorg’s going to have to start making a new armor.

base: Anthrax oh that’s just great…wonder how that got there

OSU: Yeah that’s interesting. Radiation down here and Anthrax up there.

eddo: When is the North-West part opening?

Nitrous: Don’t worry about that right now.

(Destiny hands a stack of warning signs to Danijel and Frost.)

Danijel: Aw... This is gonna take forever.

Destiny: Think of it as my revenge on you.

(Nitrous get’s back into the Mustang and starts the engine. He revs the engine and waits for Destiny, base and OSU to get in.)

base: Destiny can’t you get Nit to drive slower

Destiny: This coming from Rocket Scooter boy.

(Destiny, base and OSU get in the Mustang and the car pulls away leaving the Dark Flame members standing around their camp.)

Frost: Anthrax eh? (He grins and quietly gives an evil laugh)

Scene 3

base clings to the door handle of Nitrous’ Mustang. Why he had to be dragged into this god forsaken place was beyond him but he did agree to help out. The Wastelands looked like a blur through the window. OSU was also not enjoying the ride. He had his head buried in a barf bag. Destiny was enjoying the ride however.

(base sees a few Chapter members standing around their encampment and taps Nitrous on the shoulder.)

Nitrous: I see it.

base: Slow down then!

Nitrous: I gotta do the cool stop

(Nitrous slams on the brakes and the Mustang comes to a spinning stop.)

Chris: Was that really necessary?

Ross: It was cool yo!

Cannon: Who gave Nitrous a license?

(Nitrous, Destiny, OSU and base get out of the Mustang. OSU’s hand was still clinging the barf bag.)

Primie: What do you want? Why is OSU holding a barf bag? What gives you the right to barge in on us?

(Nitrous pulls out his taser and shoots Primie. Primie collapses shaking.)

base: We just came here to post some Notices.

Destiny: It’s all explained in the notice.

Chris: North-West quadrant eh?

Ross: We sent a few soldiers up there and they returned deathly ill.

Nitrous: No one is to venture there. Not now at least. There’s anthrax up there.

(Kolgena wakes up and walks out of his tent.)

Kolgena: Ah and so the Legacy Council once again pays us another visit. (He looks over at Nitrous’ car.) Nice car Nit.

Nitrous: Tuned it myself.

Destiny: I should really get a car the whole card thing is getting old.

Nitrous: I got a Viper sitting in the garage. With some tuning and customization it’ll be a hit.

base: Bah who needs cars when you can have a scooter.

(Primie, who just recovered from being tasered looks at base then back to Destiny.)

Primie: Is that all you need?

Ross: Yeah foo we iz tryin to take ‘re lan back yo.

(Destiny grabs Nitrous’ taser and shoots Ross.)

Destiny: How many times do we have to tell you?

Nitrous: Like MercenarY1 he’ll never get it

base: Yeah and like g-

(base stops himself. The very mention of his annoying assistant was terror enough.)

Destiny: Well we better get going we have other things to do other than hang out here in Wastelands

Nitrous: Yes paint balling is much too important to miss.

base: We don’t want to end up like Deeg. Remember Zorg shot him with his paintball gun.

Destiny Well he started it. If Deeg hadn’t dropped out of paintball Saturday Zorg wouldn’t have shot him.

Primie: I don’t want to be rude but... GET OUT OF OUR CAMP!

(Zorg phases in and lands on top of Primie)

base: Good show lad!

Zorg: Hmm... That was quite enjoyable.

(Zorg steps off of Primie.)

Primie: Ouch!

Chris: What brings you here Zorg?

Zorg like the U.S. government I’m always here.

Nitrous Yeah and always creating havoc.

Chris Oh how true.

Zorg: Quiet Chris.

Chris: Sorry sir.

Primie: Listen Zorg we really would appreciate it if we could get back to taking OUR territory.

Zorg: Very well, I was going around offering access to the Development Hive to test out some of the additions. But if you insist I leave then I will. Nitrous…call me when my car is done.

Nitrous: Got it boss.

(Zorg phases out leaving the Chapter members and the 4 members of the Legacy Council.)

Cannon: Nice going Primie.

Chris: Zorg is getting one of your cars?

Nitrous: I’m making a lot of money off of this gig.

Destiny: Now I really want one.

base: Well we’ll be going now. Duty calls back at the Hive.

Kolgena: heh Zorg should phase in on top of Primie more often.

Heggs: Man now we can’t get into that Development Hive.

Nitrous: Don’t worry Zorg will offer it again.

(base and OSU climb into the Mustang and Destiny followed. Nitrous was the last person to get in. He turned the key and the car started lifting itself till it was completely vertical.)

base: Oh you suck.

OSU: Mommy!

(Nitrous presses the gas and the car takes off like a rocket back towards the Hive.)

Scene 4

The Blade of Dawn was on constant alert now. They cut through the Chapter’s land and cut down their glorious empire. At the same time they wanted to keep the Outcast’s from running north. The recent visit of the Legacy Council members shocked them and Zorg visiting them made BeaverMan collapse from Radiation Poisoning. BaconMan, darp, and eliteeagle were the last of the unit. The only disadvantage of being in the North was the constant cold weather and snow.

BaconMan: How are we doing on time darp?

darp: My watch froze.

eliteeagle: I’ll check my laptop... It's 8:02 pm.

BaconMan: My exposure meter is close to 100% How are you two doing?

eliteeagle: We’ve been here as long as you so it’s gonna be the same.

darp: We’ll be able to finish getting this area back. And we’ll leave it there for tonight. We did our job we’ll let another unit take care of it.

BaconMan: We better start packing up.

(BaconMan pours 3 shot glasses of Jack Daniels and they all take one.)

BaconMan: Here’s to the future of Blade of Dawn.

darp: Ah yes the downfall of the Chapter and the Outcasts has come now that Dark Flame has moved out of our island.

eliteeagle: Well let’s finish packing and deliver this Notice to BeaverMan.

(The Blade of Dawn unit retreated from the Ruins they held and arrived back in the Hive in one piece. They walked back to their transport truck and head to the Headquarters.)

BaconMan: Well let’s get this to BeaverMan it sounds urgent.

(BaconMan opens the door and msfyt falls into him)

BaconMan: There’s a knife stuck in his back.

(darp runs into the office and sees Emperor climbing out the broken window.)

eliteeagle: Alert the guards! Find BeaverMan! And hunt down Emperor!

BaconMan: msfyt is dead. Stabbed in the back.

darp: why would Emperor do this?

BaconMan: We’ll have to find that out.

(BeaverMan comes running into the office out of breathe.)

Scene 5

Emperor runs down the fire escape and ignores the order to stop. He pulls out his railguns and kills the Blade of Dawn guards. He runs into the streets of the hive and hides in a store. He grabs a disguise and walks out. Now he has to dodge the Blade of Dawn, Police and the Legacy Council.