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Chamber of Elders

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The Chamber of Elders, also known as the 'CoE', is a forum in which select members discuss topics relating to Legacy. The forum is extremely exclusive, and those who are not selected will not be able to see what is being discussed.

Gaining Entry

Members of the Community who have been around for at least 3 years who regularly contribute to the game and it's discussions can express their interest in the 'Elder Forums' thread in the Main Forum. The members are hand picked by Zorg and Will. Those who are in the Elders can also suggest who would be a good candidate to be considered.

New Age of Elders

Late 2013, the Chamber of Elders got a massive revamp, including changing the very purpose of the Chamber. The Elders saw various changes such as:

  • Volunteer Helpers asking members of the Chamber to help test bugs.
  • Pushing popular suggestions that are brought up to further tweak them and make it known they should be considered for being added
  • Potential discussion for Major ToS violations
  • Planning events

The current leaders of the Chamber of Elders are as follows:

  • Zorg - Legacy Founder
  • Will - Lead Volunteer Helper
  • Steven - Head of Voluntary GFX

Current Elders

FatTony Bizzly Pie Merlin Aldo Kurenai Carmine Dagreek Faelust SlickVic
Shysta Steven Will Kage DBall13 Darp Zerocomman Neltharion Draegor Tgame
JoeBloggs Food Jake Uglymug Rollin340 Immortal UnicornBob Jiggy Vinny Westerwolf
Rod Langer Evrox Chris31 Trench DevTeam1 Msfyt Macey


The Chamber of Elders original purpose was to be a forum where ideas were put forward and discussed before the introduction of the Gang System. The forum back then was seen as very elite, and those who were lucky enough to be chosen to enter were mostly revered members of the community, who had proven themselves worthy through their constructive and insightful posts around the forums.

When the gang system was released, the Chamber of Elders was dissolved, and those who were Elders became the first council members of the four gangs. The forum was replaced by the Gang Senate forum, which was to act in the exact same way as the Chamber of Elders.

This idea, however, did not work as intended, with the Gang Senate falling inactive after a short period of time. With Scott & Zorg arranging meetings in Online Chat every so often, which the whole game could participate in, it wasn't long before the inactivity of the Gang Senate was brought up as an issue.

These meetings, known as 'LegCon', finally brought an end to the Gang Senate, which was removed in favor of the Chamber of Elders. With the return of the CoE, members were chosen from all four gangs, whose opinions were of some value to the creator of the game. A number of these members were once those who participated in the Gang Senate, but there were also some new additions to the group.

On September 5th, 2011 the LC Development clan had been moved into the CoE for various reasons and Elder applications were opened.

The Old Elders

These players were in the Chamber of Elders before the massive overhaul that took place.

Subzero anialator faelust ManDingo evrox Skorne darp GAGANB sumwish TheGeneral
JoeBloggs uglymug DBall13 Nappa ChrisWins Vinny Musashi Steven Food rollin340
jiggy Macey FatTony Sythe Guilt Robert Kage Kruxx Merlin BongHitter
chris31 Samcro SlickVic Illadelph JPF TGame CannOwns Roosell Aaron reggie