Games:  Legacy Online | Legacy Dev Hunted Cow Studios 

Account Options

To Login to the wiki, use your username for Legacy and then go here to get your temporary password. - Will (talk)

From Legacy Wiki

Revision as of 19:40, 5 April 2013 by Josh (Talk | contribs)

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Account Options is the second option on the drop-down menu under SETTINGS. The other options from this drop-down menu can be found here.

Account Settings.png

Email Options

This page shows the player's current email address which is saved on the Legacy database. This is where a password would be sent to if a player wished to reset his/her password. It is important to keep your most up-to-date password on our database, so if a player's Account Options shows an old email address, create a ticket using the HCS website or bar on the top using the game 'Legacy Online' and 'Problem with my Account' subcategories and it will get sorted as soon as possible. Furthermore if an email address has a [Locked] this means that the player has confirmed his/her email address. If a player has not confirmed his/her email address then they will be unable to level past Level 10!

Wiki Password

Players are able to login to the wiki with an account name and wiki password which is displayed here. Players can also regenerate the password to a new set of characters.

Auto-Revive Options

A player will be revived for free by the game, 6 hours after that player was last injured and not healed after. The 'Miss Next Revive' button would force your player to miss the next free revival resulting in that player being revived in the following 15minute interval. Therefore the free revival would occur 6hours and 15minutes after becoming injured!


With this fairly new (as of 2013) addition to the game you can view Legacy tutorials. Players may choose to reset them or clear them.