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<rev user="Pie" timestamp="2020-09-19T12:08:55Z" comment="News article" contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">{| width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="8" |
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[[Image:Seraph.gif|right]]Welcome to the official Legacy Wiki. You can login with your game login! Please take a look around. If you are unfamiliar with wikis, you may want to explore the [[Help:Contents | Help pages]]. If you find any problems with pages that you cannot fix yourself or your Wiki account please make a ticket on Legacy or take a list of [[Legacy:Administrators|people that can help you]].
<span style="color:#888888">Before you start doing anything besides reading, please take time to look through our [[Legacy_Wiki:Policy|rules]]. Also, user articles are '''''not''''' the same as other articles. They should be named with ''''User:'''' before the username.</span>
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| class="darkbox" |<span class="boxtitle">RECENT ANNOUNCEMENTS</span><br>
{{:News: 2020-19-09 - New Admin}}
{{:News: 2019-14-11 - Cleaning Up}}
<div align="right">[[News|Old Announcements]]</div>
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| class="darkbox" |{{Portal_Feature}}
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| class="darkbox" |{{Staff|MEET THE WORKFORCE}}
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{{BasicBox2|QUICK LINKS|Below are some quick links we thought would be useful.
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* [[Special:Popularpages | Popular Pages]]
* [[Special:Listusers | User List]]
* [[Special:Statistics | Statistics]]
* [[Wiki Help]]
* [[Special:Specialpages| More...]]
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{{BasicBox2|GANG PAGES|* [[Image:gang1.png]] [[The_Chapter | Chapter ]]
* [[Image:gang2.png]] [[Dark_Flame | Dark Flame ]]
* [[Image:gang3.png]] [[Blade_of_Dawn | Blade of Dawn ]]
* [[Image:gang4.png]] [[Outcasts | Outcasts ]]
{{Template:Time Line}}