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<allpages gapcontinue="Red_Poppet" />
<page pageid="9517" ns="0" title="Recon Drones">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">{{Item Sidebox
| image = File:Recon_drones.png
| size = 32
| name = Recon Drones
| price = 200c
| description = Recently found in the same Labs as the D.Bot. These drones come in packs, they move quickly but cant aim well.
The Recon Drones is a level 80 Misc equipment item.
| name =Recon Drones
| image = File:Big_recondrones.png
| type = Misc
| rarity = Godlike
| requirement = 80
| damagemin = none
| damagemax = none
| accuracy = 19
| dodge = 0
| speed = 0
| dskill = 0
| gskill = 65
| mskill = 0
| pskill = 40
| armor = 0
==Alternate Appearances==
<center>[[image:Halloween_big_recondrones.png|Halloween Paint|link=Halloween Paint]] [[image:Christmas_big_recondrones.png|Christmas Paint|link=Christmas Paint]] [[image:Neon_big_recondrones.png|Neon Paint|link=Neon Paint]] [[image:Green_neon_big_recondrones.png|Green Neon Paint|link=Green Neon Paint]] [[image:Pink_neon_big_recondrones.png|Pink Neon Paint|link=Pink Neon Paint]] [[image:Purple_neon_big_recondrones.png|Purple Neon Paint|link=Purple Neon Paint]] [[image:Red_neon_big_recondrones.png|Red Neon Paint|link=Red Neon Paint]]</center>
<center>[[image:Yellow_neon_big_recondrones.png|Yellow Neon Paint|link=Yellow Neon Paint]] [[image:Phoenix_elite_big_recondrones.png|Phoenix Elite Paint|link=Phoenix Elite Paint]]</center>
The item can be acquired from:
*Crafting in the [[Shadow Forge/Craft|Shadow Forge]] using 1x [[Defense Bot]], 3x [[Large Power Cell]], 2x [[Perfect Green Crystal]], 2x [[Gold Plate]], and 1x [[Saw]]
*Purchased from other Players in the [[Market Square|Market]]
<page pageid="10097" ns="0" title="Red Paint">
<rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">{{Item Sidebox2
| image1 = File:Red_paint.png
| size1 = 32
| image2 = File:Big_redpaint.png
| size2 = 128
| name = Red Paint
| price = 0c
| description = Use this item to change the color of another item to red. Can be used on a Titan Guard, Scythe, Chain Blade, Crystal Sword, Rail Gun, Crystal Bombs, Crystal Ring, Amulet, Swat Shield or 3 Section Staff.
A special item that can change the appearance of an item.
*{{Color|Godlike|'''NOTE'''}}: This change is cosmetic only and has no effect on actual gameplay.
==Small Previews==
[[image:Red_swat_shield.png|Swat Shield|link=Swat Shield]]
[[image:Red_3_section_staff.png|3 Section Staff|link=3 Section Staff]]
[[image:Red_chain_blade.png|Chain Blade|link=Chain Blade]]
[[image:Red_crystal_bombs.png|Crystal Bombs|link=Crystal Bombs]]
[[image:Red_crystal_ring.png|Crystal Ring|link=Crystal Ring]]
[[image:Red_crystal_sword.png|Crystal Sword|link=Crystal Sword]]
[[image:Red_rail_gun.png|Rail Gun|link=Rail Gun]]
[[image:Red_titan_guard.png|Titan Guard|link=Titan Guard]]
==Large Previews==
[[image:Red_big_swatshield.png|Swat Shield|link=Swat Shield]]
[[image:Red_big_3sectionstaff.png|3 Section Staff|link=3 Section Staff]]
[[image:Red_big_chainedblade.png|Chain Blade|link=Chain Blade]]
[[image:Red_big_crystalbombs.png|Crystal Bombs|link=Crystal Bombs]]
[[image:Red_big_crystalring.png|Crystal Ring|link=Crystal Ring]]
[[image:Red_big_crystalsword.png|Crystal Sword|link=Crystal Sword]]
[[image:Red_big_railgun.png|Rail Gun|link=Rail Gun]]
[[image:Red_big_titanguard.png|Titan Guard|link=Titan Guard]]
The item can be acquired from:
*Purchased from [[Platinum|Platinum Shop]] for 2,995 Platinum
*Purchased from other Players in the [[Market Square|Market]]