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User:Connor/About Me

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About Me

Name Maxpower Real Name Connor
Birthday 24th October Age 17
Gender Male Location United Kingdom
Rank Player Guide Gang Outcast

-About Me- 
-Player History-
-Gang History- 
-Thank You-

Well, I don't know where to start really. I started playing crappy little cards games when I was younger.
You know the whole pokemon and yu-gi-oh phase.
I got a computer for my 10th bithday I came across many computer games, of which I still play today. 
That is how it all started really, I loved the concept of being able to play games. 
Spending hours on end leveling up your character just to realise it was a waste of time.
That was basically my childhood, constant computer games.
One day I had this really crazy thought that how cool would it be if you could actually create computer games.
I looked into it and by the age of 15 I already know quite a few coding languages. 
Then from that day on I started making my own crappy JAVA games, games coded in PHP and so on.
That is basically just a little back story of who I am and what I do. 
Other than that, I create youtube videos, play Legacy and drink rockstar a lot.