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Information, located in the menu at the top of every page under the Character tab, it contains all the information not contained in your player profile. The information is divided into six tabs, which are Account, Character, Abilities, Groups, Reputation, and Miscellaneous.



Under the Account tab are your user name, e-mail address, account age, average log-in times, and links to your notepad, stat point spending, and the system status.

Info account.PNG


The Character tab shows all of your character's stats, game position, and last week's and this week's ranking.

Info character.PNG


The Abilities tab shows your trained skills, how many skill points you have trained, what you are currently training, how many skill points (if any) you have in your backlog, and how many skill points you gain per hour.

Into abilities.PNG


This tab shows the gang and clans you are a member of and your respective ranks in them.

Info groups.PNG


The Reputation tab shows your current reputation with each of the four gangs.

Info reputation.PNG


This tab includes miscellaneous information as well as all the banners you have won.

Info misc.PNG