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Haunted Mansion Stories/01/Ch19

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They ran down the stairs and took out their weapons, but there was no one there. Suddenly, Ifrit fell to the ground in pain. The other two both looked back in horror. The killer was standing right next to them with a knife in his hand.

"Hello guys", said the killer.

"AGH!" screamed Voght and dk16. They ran out the door and bullets flew everywhere.

"Wow, I guess Zorg didn't teach him much."

"Hello, what did I miss?" said a familiar voice.

"Hey zorg! -- wait... AHHHH!"

They ran backwards, but got stopped by the killer. They were cornered. Both (whats?) had pistols in their hands.

"How-- how did you survive, Zorg?"

"That I can't tell you," said Zorg.

"This mansion is mine, and you guys were too dumb to read the sign on the door."

Dk took out his knife and whipped it at Zorg. The bullet just stopped in mid-air and fell to the ground. There was a gunshot. It hit Voght in the head, and he fell to the ground.

"You hear that gunshot, Mr. Dk?"

"It is the inevitable."

"It is the sound of your death," said Zorg, as he shot bullets at dk.

"NO!" cried dk. He ran out of the way and jumped up the staircase, dodging all bullets in sight. He ran into his room and slammed the door.

Close behind, Zorg grabbed an axe mounted over the fireplace and banged it on the knob. The door burst open and the axe dropped, bent. Zorg came in, but dk16 was nowhere in sight.

"I know you're in here," said Zorg. He noticed that the window was shattered. He jumped through it, but when he landed, he was nailed to the wall. A knife hit him right in his stomach. Dk16 was waiting.


Just then, the killer burst through the walls with angry red eyes.

Dk turned himself around as the killer said, "Nighty night, dk."